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- Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 23:59:40 -0100
- From: Benoit LIPS <lips@pcpm.ucl.ac.be>
- Subject: [*]internet-dial-in-Europe-1.6.txt
- Dear moderators,
- internet-dial-in-Europe-1.6.txt is a list of European internet access
- providers or BBS allowing cross posting mail to internet.
- I suggest it would replace the previous version
- /info-mac/comm/information/internet-dial-in-Europe-1.4.txt
- and be archived in /info-mac/comm/information/internet-dial-in-Europe-1.6.txt
- ------------
- Added Entry for :
- Austria : PING, I-COM, Link-ATu
- Belgium : BELNet, Infoboard, INNet, Infonet, TFI, K12Net Belgium,
- KnoopPunt, European LookData, United Callers
- Czech Republic : I-COM
- Denmark : PINGNet, I-COM
- Finland : I-COM
- France : Altern (3616), USNet (3619), World-NET, I-COM
- Germany : I-COM
- Gibraltar : I-COM
- Ireland : I-COM
- Italy : I-COM
- Luxembourg : I-COM
- The Netherlands : INFOboard, I-COM
- Norway : I-COM
- Portugal : Esoterica, I-COM
- Spain : I-COM
- Sweden : I-COM
- Switzerland : Active-Net, I-COM
- U.K. : I-COM
- Updates for :
- Austria : Eunet
- ++++++++++++++++++++++
- About This list
- ---------------
- European Internet Access providers list
- v. 1.6 (17-7-1994)
- copyright B. LIPS 1994
- This list contains European dialup internet access providers. Note that
- there are certainly others providers - unknown (to me) at this moment.
- If you have other informations, please drop me a mail !
- Home of the list : sumex-aim.stanford.edu <> as
- /info-mac/comm/information/internet-dial-in-Europe-1.6.txt
- Other locations :
- I also post regulary this file in
- Usenet News : alt.internet.access.wanted group : Directory of internet
- access in Europe.1.6
- Compuserve : Internet forum : EURACC.TXT
- Please distribute freely unmodified version !
- Mail me comments, updates or reactions !
- Benoit Carl LIPS <lips@pcpm.ucl.ac.be> (preferred)
- or 100336.2155 (CompuServe).
- Please note that I have no connections with the various companies,
- other than being a satisfied consumer. I have also included the BBS's
- allowing to cross post (send and receive) E-mail messages to internet.
- I make no representations about the suitability or accuracy of this
- document for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- implied warranty. All information contained herein is subject to
- change.
- ------------
- Added Entry for :
- Austria : PING, I-COM, Link-ATu
- Belgium : BELNet, Infoboard, INNet, Infonet, TFI, K12Net Belgium,
- KnoopPunt, European LookData, United Callers
- Czech Republic : I-COM
- Denmark : PINGNet, I-COM
- Finland : I-COM
- France : Altern (3616), USNet (3619), World-NET, I-COM
- Germany : I-COM
- Gibraltar : I-COM
- Ireland : I-COM
- Italy : I-COM
- Luxembourg : I-COM
- The Netherlands : INFOboard, I-COM
- Norway : I-COM
- Portugal : Esoterica, I-COM
- Spain : I-COM
- Sweden : I-COM
- Switzerland : Active-Net, I-COM
- U.K. : I-COM
- Updates for :
- Austria : Eunet
- ------
- EUnet Algery
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: Algeria@EU.net
- Phone : +213.2 369791
- Fax : +213.2 369792
- -------
- EUnet Austria
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: info@Austria.EU.net
- Phone : +43.1 3174969
- Fax : +43.1 3104462
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- Link-ATu :
- Medienzentrum HTU
- Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
- A-1040 VIENNA
- dialup access : Vienna - 5860409
- (intl: +43-1-5860409, Austria long distance: 0222-5860409)
- Gudula Feichtinger (privat: Vienna-35 84 972)
- Thomas Schartner (privat: Vienna-40 23 726)
- Phone: +43-1-58801-8103
- Fax: +43-1-4051790
- Email: sysop@link-atu.comlink.apc.org
- PING (Personal InterNet Gate)
- PING EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH
- Thurngasse 8/3
- A-1090 WIEN
- Services: e-mail, UUCP, SLIP, PPP, BBS
- local access: Wien, Linz, Graz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Goetzis
- E-mail: info@ping.at
- Phone: +43-1-319 43 36
- Fax: +43-1-310 69 27
- -------
- BELNet (Academic and research network)
- Wetenschapsstraat, 8
- 1040 Bruxelles
- E-Mail : helpdesk@belnet.be
- Phone : +32.2 2383470
- Fax : +32.2 2305912
- EUnet Belgium
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- POP in Antwerpen, Bruxelles, Leuven
- E-Mail: postmaster@belgium.EU.net
- Phone : +32.16 201015
- Fax : +32.16 205308
- European LookData Network
- DAN-A sa
- Dept. Telecom
- av. Charles Quint 420 - B 189
- B-1080 Bruxelles
- dialup : +32.2.3463800 - 32.2.3463299 (8N1)
- Services : Internet access, MCI Mail access, Minitel, Videotex, BTX and
- various online database.
- Phone : +32.2 4680547
- Fax : +32.2 4681282
- dialup : +32.2.2158785 (2400 bps) 2156648 (9600 bps)
- Services : BBS, E-Mail (Cross posting to internet), low cost dial access
- to USA BBS and online services
- Phone : +32.2 2157130
- Fax : +32.2 2158999
- Buro & Design Center
- Esplanade du Heysel 75
- 1020 Bruxelles
- Dial-in : +32.2 4752929
- Phone : +32.2 4752299
- Fax : +32.2 4752532
- E-Mail : info@infoboard.be
- Interpac Belgium
- Av. Louise 350 boite 11
- 1050 Bruxelles
- Phone : +32.2 6466000
- Fax : +32.2.6403638
- INnet
- INnet BVBA
- Postelarenweg 2 bus 3
- 2400 Mol
- E-Mail : info@inbe.net
- Phone : +32.14 319937
- Fax : +32.14 319011
- K12Net Belgium
- Services : UUCP
- e-Mail: lvg@k12.be (Louis Van Geel) (Fido: 2:29/777@fidonet.org)
- KnoopPunt Informatie & Kommunikatie Kollektief
- Snoekstraat 52
- B-9000 Gent
- Services : UUCP
- dial-in: +32-9-2258143
- Phone: +32-9-2333686
- E-Mail: support@knooppunt.be
- Telecom Finland International SA
- 127-129 rue Col. Bourg
- B-1140 Bruxelles
- E-Mail : info@tfi.be
- Phone : +32.2 7323955
- Fax : +32.2 7323852
- United Callers
- rue Rodenbach 70
- B-1180 Bruxelles
- Services : TCP/IP based services, E-Mail, Usenet News
- E-mail : 100303.2702@compuserve.com or best.of@unicall.be
- Phone : +32.2 346.48.50
- Fax : +32.2 346.43.65
- -------
- EUnet Bulgary
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@bulgaria.EU.net
- Phone : +359.52 259135
- Fax : +359.52 234540
- --------------
- EUnet Czechia
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: prf@Czechia.EU.net
- Phone: +42.2 3323242
- Fax: +42.2 24310646
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- -------
- EUnet Denmark
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: netpasser@Denmark.EU.net
- Phone : +45.39 179900
- Fax : +45.39 179897
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- Pingnet
- Pingnet
- International House
- Bella Center
- DK-2300 Copenhagen S
- Denmark
- Services: E-mail, USENET, UUCP, SLIP
- E-Mail: adm@ping.dk
- Phone: +45 32 47 33 93
- Fax: +45 32 47 30 16
- -----
- EUnet Egypt
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: ow@estinet.uucp
- Phone : +20.2 3557253
- Fax : +20.2 3547807
- -------
- EUnet Finland
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: helpdesk@Finland.EU.net
- Phone : +358.0 4002605
- Fax : +358.0 6222626
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ------
- Altern (3616)
- Valentin Lacambre, 29 rue de Cotte, 75012 Paris
- Tel.: (1) 42 79 81 38
- Email: sysop@altern.com
- EUnet France
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: contact@France.EU.net
- Phone : +33.1 45210204
- Fax : +33.1 46589420
- Calvacom
- dialup : MiniPhone, Transpac, X25, (1) 41 081175, 41 081111, 41 081196
- services : BBS, E-mail
- Phone : +33.1 41081100
- Fax : +33.1 41081199
- E-mail : JAB1@Calvacom.fr (J. Blanco)
- Compuserve Information Service France/Belgique
- services : BBS, Fax, E-Mail (Xposting to internet)
- Phone : 36 63 8122 (Azur), +33.1 47142160
- Fax : +33.1 47142151
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- Oleane
- Services : access to the Internet through a variety of communication
- media (leased lines, public X.25
- networks, ISDN and dialup phone) and provides full internet services
- (mail, news, ...), network support services and related services like
- security auditing, hypertext WWW servers installation or radio mail.
- Contact: Denis M. Lafont
- Phone: +33 1 (Paris area)
- Fax : +33 1 (Paris area)
- E-mail: info-internet@oleane.net
- FTP more info: ftp.oleane.net
- WWW more info: www.oleane.net
- TRANSPAC (France Telecom)
- Phone : +33 1
- USNet (3619)
- Intelmatique SA, 16-18 rue du Dome, 92300 Boulogne-
- Billancourt
- Tel.: (1) 47 61 47 61, Fax: (1) 46 21 22 40
- Email: jperd@delphi.com
- World-NET
- SCT, 20 av. Daguerre, 77500 Chelles
- Tel.: (1) 60 20 85 14, 3617 SCT, Fax: (1) 64 21 65 35
- Email: info@World-net.sct.fr
- -------
- EUnet Germany
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: info@germany.EU.net
- Phone : +49.231 97200
- Fax : +49.231 972 1111
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- Individual.NET
- local access :Germany: Berlin, Oldenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Krefeld,
- Kiel, Duisburg, Darmstadt, Dortmund, Hannover, Ruhrgebiet, Bonn,
- Magdeburg, Duesseldorf, Essen, Koeln, Paderborn, Bielefeld,Aachen,
- Saarbruecken, Frankfurt, Braunschweig, Dresden, Ulm, Erlangen,
- Nuernberg, Wuerzburg, Chemnitz, Muenchen, Muenster, Goettingen,
- Wuppertal, Schleswig, Giessen, Rostock, Leipzig and other
- Services :e-mail, usenet feeds, UUCP, SLIP, ISDN, shell, ftp,
- Phonenet,gopher, irc, bbs
- E-mail : in-info@individual.net
- Phone : +49 2131 64190 (Andreas Baess)
- fax : +49 2131 605652
- Individual Network - Rhein-Main
- dialup : +49-69-39048414, +49-69-6312934 (+ others)
- services : shell (Unix), ftp, Phonenet, irc, gopher, uucp feeds
- fees : SLIP/PPP/ISDN: 40 DM, 4 DM / Megabyte
- E-mail : info@rhein-main.de
- Phone : +49-69-39048413
- INS - Inter Networking Systems
- local access : Ruhr-Area, Germany
- services : e-mail,uucp,usenet,slip,ppp,ISDN-TCP/IP
- E-mail : info@ins.net
- Phone : +49 2305 356505
- fax : +49 2305 25411
- CompuServe Germany
- services : BBS, Fax, E-mail (Xposting to internet)
- Phone : 0130 864643 (free), +49.8966550 - 111
- Fax : +49.8966550 - 255
- ---------
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ------
- Ariadne - Greek Academic and Research Network
- dialup : +301 65-48-800 (1200 - 9600 bps)
- services : e-mail, ftp, Phonenet, gopher, talk, pad(EuropaNet)
- E-mail : dialup@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
- Phone : +301 65-13-392
- fax : +301 6532910
- EUnet Greece
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Greece.EU.net
- Phone : +30.81 221171
- Fax : +30.81 229342
- -------
- EUnet Hungary
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: horvath@Hungary.EU.net
- Phone : +36.1 1497986
- Fax : +36.1 1297866
- -------
- EUnet Iceland
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Iceland.EU.net
- Phone : +354.1 694747
- Fax : +354.1 28801
- -------
- EUnet Ireland
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Ireland.EU.net
- Phone : +353.1 6719361
- Fax : +353.1 6798039
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- IEunet Ltd., Ireland's Internet Services Supplier
- dialup : +353 1 6790830, +353 1 6798600
- local access : Dublin, Ireland
- services : DialIP, IPGold, EUnet Traveller, X400, X500, Gopher,
- WWW,FTP, FTPmail,SLIP/PPP, FTP archives
- E-mail : info@ieunet.ie, info@Ireland.eu.net
- Phone : +353 1 6790832
- -----
- EUnet Italy
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-mail : iunet@Italy.EU.net
- Phone : +39.10 3532747
- fax : +39.10 3532948
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ----------
- EUnet Luxembourg
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Luxembourg.EU.net
- Phone : +352 470261 361
- Fax : +352 470264
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ---------------
- EUnet The Netherlands
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: beheer@Netherlands.EU.net
- Phone : +31.20 5924245
- Fax : +31.20 5924199
- contact : henk@hgatenl.hobby.nl
- H.A. Dijkstra
- Satiestraat 9
- 1323 SL Almere
- Phone : 036.5361683
- HackTic
- contact : help@dds.hacktic.nl
- Services : UUCP-link met News en Mail, Unix Account
- Phone : 020.6222175 (12 l)
- Phonenet : xs4all.hacktic.nl (Log in als 'new')
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- INFOboard
- dial-in : +31.4752-6200 (V22bis) +31.4752-6300 (V32)
- Veldweg 33
- 6075 NL Herkenbosch
- Phone : +31.4752-5858
- Fax : +31.4752-6584
- Phone. BBS : 020.5733533
- NetLand
- contact : info@netland.nl
- Phone : 020.6943664
- Adres : Bart de Ligtstraat 4
- 1097 JE Amsterdam
- Modem : 020.6940350 (5 ln)
- Phonenet : netland.nl
- Log in als 'new' of 'info'
- NLnet
- contact : beheer@NL.net
- contact : Drs. Th.J.P.M. Bogels
- FidoNet: 2:500/276 Postbus 38036 6503 AA Nijmegen
- E-mail : psyline@psyline.nl
- Stichting InterAccess (domain iaf.nl)
- contact : Stichting InterAccess
- Postbus 444
- 9600 AK Hoogezand
- Phone : 015.566108
- E-mail : mail-server@iafnl.iaf.nl
- Stuur een bericht met de tekst:
- Stichting Knoware
- contact : info@knoware.nl
- Stichting Knoware
- Oldambt 69
- 3524 BD Utrecht
- Phone: 030.896775
- Services: full internet access
- News services, E-Mail (POP, SMTP protocols supported),PHONENET, FTP,
- WAIS, WWW, Gopher, Archie, IRC
- Stichting NEST
- contact : info@nest.nl
- postbus 441
- 1000 AK Amsterdam
- Phone : 020.6265566
- Simplex
- contact : simplex
- postbus 36068
- 1020 MB Amsterdam
- E-mail: simplex@simplex.nl
- Modem: 020.6653388 (14.400 baud, 8N1)
- Phonenet: simplex.nl
- Login als 'new' voor een account
- Login als 'info' voor informatie
- The Delft Connection (TDC)
- contact : info@tdcnet.nl
- The Delft Connection
- p/a Nieuwe Plantage 115
- 2611 XV Delft
- WLINK (Waterland BBS)
- contact : Joop Stokvis (fidonet: 2:280/802, domain wlink.nl)
- Postbus 1196
- 1440 BD Purmerend
- E-mail : joop@wlink.nl
- Phone/Fax : 029.9043030
- BBS : 029.9040202 (12 ln)
- ------
- EUnet Norway
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: aras@Norway.EU.net
- Phone : +47.22 958327
- Fax : +47.22 604427
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- --------
- Esoterica - Novas Tecnologias
- Services: mail, news ( full ip soon )
- Dialup Access: +351.1 7165651, +351.1 7166497
- EMail: postmaster@esoterica.com, info@esoterica.com
- Phone: +351.1 7162395
- EUnet Portugal
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Portugal.EU.net
- Phone : +351.1 2954464 ext: 2507
- Fax : +351.1 2957786
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ------
- EUnet URSS
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@USSR.EU.net
- Phone : +7.095 1983796
- Fax : +7.095 1964984
- GlasNet
- Services : PeaceNet Network in Moscow
- System : IBM-PC/AT 386; UNIX ISC
- E-Mail : Alex Zaytsev <alexz@glas.apc.org>
- Phone : +7 095 123 0141
- Location : 9/5, Ulitsa Vesnina, SU-121002 Moscow, USSR
- Demos BBS
- Services : IRC online-chat, 300+ MB of software, ask sysop for account
- System : SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2
- IP : fantom.demos.su (, login as "bbs"
- E-Mail : pin@demos.su (Ivan Popov) or postmaster@fantom.demos.su
- Phone : +7(095)2312129 (voice?)
- Dialups : +7
- (095)2330001,(095)2330008,(095)2330062,(095)9581975
- Location : Moscow
- -------
- EUnet Romania
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Romania.EU.net
- Phone: +40.1 3126886
- Fax: +40.1 03126668
- --------
- EUnet Slovakia
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@Slovakia.EU.net
- Phone: +42.7 377434
- Fax: +42.7 377433
- --------
- EUnet Slovenia
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: support@Slovenia.EU.net
- Phone: +38.64 105183
- Fax: +38.64 105381
- -----
- Compuserve (Barcelona)
- Dialup : +34. 3.487 3888.
- EUnet Spain
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: postmaster@spain.EU.net
- Phone : +34.1 4134856
- Fax : +34.1 4134901
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- ------
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- -----------
- Active-Net
- dialup access :
- ZyXEL 19'200 bps: +41 55 261815
- USRobotics V.Terbo: +41 55 261879
- ISDN V.110 38400 bps: +41 55 241349
- ISDN X.75 115200 bps: +41 55 241348.
- services : E-Mail, Usenet, Telnet, FTP, Gopher
- Note : online registration
- EUnet Switzerland
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: pr@Switzerland.EU.net
- Phone: +41.1 2914580
- Fax: +41.1 2914642
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- CompuServe Switzerland
- services : BBS, Fax, E-mail (Xposting to internet)
- Phone : 155 31 79 (free)
- SWITCH - Swiss Academic and Research Network
- Limmatquai 138, CH-8001 Zurich
- Services: Internet Dialup Access (interactive, SLIP over Modem or
- ISDN), Archie, E-Mail, FTP server, Gopher, NetNews, X.400, X.500
- E-Mail: postmaster@switch.ch
- Phone: +41.1 268 1515
- Fax: +41.1 268 1568
- -------
- EUnet Tunisia
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- E-Mail: mondher@Tunisia.EU.net
- Phone: +216.1 787757
- Fax: +261.1 787827
- --------------
- CityScape
- Phone: +44.(0)223 566950
- E-mail: sales@cityscape.co.uk
- Compulink Information eXchange (CIX)
- The Sanctuary
- Oakhill Grove, Surbiton
- Surrey KT6 6DU
- Services : Electronic Mail / Usenet access, Phonenet, ftp, ping, finger,Fax
- Phone: +44.(0)81 3908446
- Fax: +44.(0)81 3906561
- E-mail: cixadmin@cix.compulink.co.uk
- CompuServe Information Service U.K.
- 1 Redcliff Street
- PO Box 676
- Bristol BS99 1YN
- services : BBS, Fax, E-mail (Xposting to internet)
- Phone : 0800 289 458 (free), +44.272 760681
- Fax : +44.272 252210
- E-mail: 70006.101@compuserve.com
- Demon Information Systems Ltd
- 42 Hendon Lane
- London N3 1TT
- Services : SLIP or PPP Dial-up access to the Internet, usenet news, ftp
- Acess : London, Warrington, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh
- Phone: +44. (0)81-349 0063
- Fax: +44 .(0)81-349 0309
- Email: internet@demon.net
- The Direct Connection
- Services : Archie, Gopher, HyPhonenet, IRC Chat, Electronic Mail, Outgoing
- FAX Messages, Usenet News (Usenet Conferencing) , Offline News and Mail,
- Computer Newswire
- dialup TCP/IP (SLIP or PPP) and UUCP connections
- Dialup access : +44.(0)81 317 2222 : 8-N-1, login as demo
- Phone: +44.(0)81 317 0100
- Fax : +44 (0)81 317 0100
- E-mail: helpdesk@dircon.co.uk
- EUnet GB
- EUnet GB (GBnet Ltd),
- Kent R&D Business Centre, Giles Lane,
- Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7PB, UK.
- Services : Dialup Internet Access (TCP/IP based services), Mail, ...
- Phone: +44 227 475497
- Fax: +44 227 475478
- E-Mail: postmaster@Britain.EU.net
- Services : internet mail, low cost access to phone numbers in the US (BBS,
- internet providers,...)
- More details in the I-COM entry (at the end of the file)
- GreenNet
- 23 Bevenden Street, London N1 6BH, England
- Services : Electronic Mail (Internet + wider connectivity), Usenet
- News, Fax Service
- Phone: +44.(0)71 608 3040
- Fax: +44.(0)71 253 0801
- E-mail: support@gn.apc.org
- infocom interactive
- The Davinson Group International
- infocom interactive
- White Bridge House
- Old Bath Road
- RG10 9QJ
- Phone: +44.(0) 850 920041
- Fax: +44.(0) 734 320988
- E-mail: Send mail to <info@infocom.co.uk> with "Subject: ALL"
- Note : infocom is NOT YET offering TCP/IP services, but will
- On-line
- On-line Entertainment Ltd
- 642a Lea Bridge Road
- London E10 6AP
- Phone: +44.(0)81 558 6114
- Fax: +44.(0)81 558 3914
- dialup access: +44.(0)81 539 6763 (8-N-1)
- telnet : connect.on-line.co.uk (login: connect)
- E-mail : jon@on-line.co.uk
- PC User Group
- dialup access: +44.(0)81-863 6646 login as 'register'
- services : ftp, Phonenet, bbs, irc, feeds
- Phone: +44.(0)81-863 1191
- E-mail: info@ibmpcug.co.uk
- Pipex Ltd.
- 216 Cambridge Science Park
- Milton Road
- Cambridge CB4 4WA
- Phone: +44.(0) 223 250120
- Fax: +44.(0) 223 250121
- Sound & Vision BBS
- dialup access : +44 (0)932 252323
- Phone: +44 (0)932 253131
- E-mail: Rob@sound.demon.co.uk
- Specialix
- Specialix International
- 3, Wintersells Rd, Byfleet,
- Byfleet,
- Surrey KT14 7LF
- Phone: +44.(0)932 354254
- Fax: +44.(0)0932 352781
- E-Mail : keith@specialix.co.uk
- -----
- I-COM gives you access to Internet E-mail and to low cost dial access to
- U.S.A. I-COM registred users (online registration) can call anywhere in the
- U.S. freely during 30 minutes every day. ( You can access any BBS or
- internet access in the US )
- I-COM has direct access in Brussels / Belgium or local access in many
- european cities.
- Address :
- 4, rue de Geneve B33
- B-1140 Bruxelles / Belgium
- Phone : +32 2 215 71 30
- Fax : + 32 2 215 8999
- Modem : +32 2 215 80 25
- Access :
- Dial an access number from the list
- Type the letter "o" when connected.
- Type ICOM
- When you see the i-Com Greeting, type NEW and follow the instruction.
- Access numbers :
- Vienna (1) 222 50144
- Bruxelles 02 215 80 25 - 02 215 87 85 (direct connection)
- Antwerp 03 226 31 20
- Liege 04 21 32 41
- Prague 02 644 11 30
- Copenhagen 44 68 05 88
- Helsinki (9) 204 04 800
- Grenoble 76 22 82 43
- Lille 20 67 23 74
- Lyon 78 47 81 44
- Marseille 91 25 99 33
- Paris 43 34 04 25
- Toulouse 61 30 02 91
- Germany
- Berlin (030) 4348203
- Bremen (0421) 170997
- Cologne (0221) 341051
- D¸sseldorf (0211) 596871
- Eschborn (06196) 48738
- Frankfurt (069) 5076736
- Hamburg (040) 2514037
- Hannover (051) 1375104
- Munich (089) 1238728
- Rostock 381 670 0230
- Stuttgart (0711) 727935
- GIBRALTAR +350 41000
- Dublin (01) 679 8924
- Italy
- Bologna (051) 246578
- Firenze (055) 6580383
- Milano (02) 6698 3004
- Roma (06) 334 0588
- Torino (011) 248 0125
- LUXEMBOURG +352 346 787
- Alkmaar (072) 155190
- Amsterdam (020) 615 5266 - (020) 6692401
- Eindhoven (040) 466455
- The Hague (070) 3818448
- Rotterdam (010) 4532002
- Utrecht (030) 880504
- Oslo (02) 2282990
- Lisbon (01) 31 55696
- Barcelona (03) 415 5082
- Bilbao (04) 427 6492
- Madrid (01) 302 6006
- Gˆteborg (031) 450 630
- Stockholm (08) 29 47 82
- Geneva (022) 788 11 88
- Neufchatel (038) 33 86 06
- Zurich (01) 837 03 01
- U.K.
- Belfast (232) 234467
- Birmingham (021) 6326636
- Bristol (0272) 255392
- Cambridge (0223) 845860
- Edinburgh (031) 313 21 72
- Leeds (0532) 341838
- London (081) 566 72 60 / (071) 489 85 71
- About the file format
- ---------------------
- This file is formatted as setext for reading and browsing with EasyView.
- This format is fully readable (ASCII) with all text editors and wordprocessor,
- but setext format allows structured reading with dedicated software like
- EasyView
- For more information about EasyView (freeware), send mail to Akif Eyler
- <eyler@trbilun.bitnet>
- For more information about setext, send email with the single word
- "setext"
- (no quotes) in the Subject: line to <fileserver@tidbits.com>.
- A file will be returned shortly.
- Thanks
- ------
- Thanks to Peter Kaminski <kaminski@netcom.com>
- for The Public Dialup Internet Access List (PDIAL) covering world-wide access.
- (archive server: <info-deli-server@netcom.com>)
- Jorg Schumacher <schumach@uni2a.unige.ch>,
- Craig Morgan <C.Morgan@soc.staffs.ac.uk >,
- Joost Schraag <schraag@paulus.lri.jur.uva.nl>,
- Jonathan Kimmitt <jrrk@camcon.co.uk>,
- Thomas Lenggenhager <lenggenhager@gate.switch.ch>,
- Jamal Hannah <jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
- Roland Siebelink <rcsiebel@vub.ac.be>
- Mario Valente <mvalente@lnec.pt>
- Chytil Georg <chytil@Austria.EU.net>
- Thomas Schartner <ts@ping.at>
- Fridli Marti <100117.2737@compuserve.com>
- Kim Chr. Madsen <kimcm@ic.dk> for the updates !
- Personal opinions
- -----------------
- "God, grant me the Serenity to prioritize the things I cannot delegate,
- Courage to say no when I need to, and Wizdom to know when to go home ..."
- "Mon ame a Dieu, Mon epee au Roi et mon coeur a ma Dame"
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++